Hyperloop High-Speed Rail System Can Take You From NYC To LA In 45 Minutes

August 25, 2023

 Why It’s Lit

Because speeds of 1,200km/h (750mph) make this transport the fastest way to travel in the world!

Believe It Or Not

Hyperloop will take you from LA to NYC within 45 minutes. The concept was first put forward by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk back in 2013.

And the reason why Hyperloop travels so fast is that it levitates and removes all friction; making it a fast, comfortable, and sustainable method of transport.

A typical 5.5-hour car trip becomes a 28-minute ride with Hyperloop.

It operates like a high-speed rail with a twist. Instead of a track, you levitate inside a long tube.

The tube is essential to make the Hyperloop travel so quickly. Every 10km there’s a vacuum sucking up all the air in the tube, removing 99% of air resistance. 

There’s a constant magnetic current inside the tube generated from permanent magnets and electromagnets. 

The electromagnets let the conductor change the strength of the magnetic currents, which speeds up or slows down the Hyperloop. 

Also, it’s opposing magnetic fields prevent any sense of rough turbulence, making it a super smooth ride.

At the moment there are plans to get lines up in Dubai, India, and the Midwest US by 2030. 

The Hyperloop is still undergoing safety tests but took the first two passengers on a 500m trip in 2020, reaching 173km/h in six seconds.

Surprisingly, Hyperloop tickets are cheaper than airplane tickets and are expected to be less than $100 for a one-way trip. 

Drop This Fact

The Hyperloop carries just 28 passengers but will have the ability to transport 30,000 people every hour.

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