Watch Couple Turn Hands Into Keys With Dangerous Things NFC Microchip Implant

January 11, 2023

Why It’s Lit

Because this microchip implant transforms your hand into a real-life digital skeleton key. That’s right folks, you no longer have to carry those annoying heavy keys ever again! #firstworldproblems

Believe It Or Not

Dangerous Things‘ RFID / NFC implant chips can grant you access to your home, cars and other security locks. You’ll also be able to share data and trigger events on smartphones.

With a simple smartphone scan, you can share information like social media profiles and other video content with other devices like a Mission Impossible spy.

Drop This Fact

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, scientist, and professor Kevin Warwick of the UK, known as “Captain Cyborg,” became the first human to host a microchip implant in 1998. 

During a 20-minute medical procedure described as “a routine silicon-chip implant” by Dr. George Boulos who led the operation, doctors inserted into Warwick’s arm a glass capsule not much bigger than a pearl.

The approximately 23mm-by-3mm device stayed in Warwick’s arm for only nine days, partly to avoid medical complications and partly because it was fairly limited in power. 

The chip was used to communicate with the University of Reading’s intelligent building.

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