Why It's LitBecause effortlessly floating to the edge of Earth and savouring 6 hours of interstellar heaven sounds so much more fetching than thrusting out ...
Why It's Lit Because speeds at 1,200km/h (750mph) Hyperloop is the fastest way to travel in the world! Believe It Or Not Hyperloop will take you from LA ...
Why It’s Lit Because The Line is the most ambitious urban planning project on the planet and will be the first-ever mirrored vertical desert city in ...
Why It's Lit Because your typical speed boat can't dive underwater and launch you back up into the air like a swordfish on a mission to Mars. Believe It Or ...
Why It's Lit Because normal bikes are so 19th century and 100% incapable of transporting you over traffic-free lakes, rivers, and oceans. Believe It Or Not ...
Why It’s Lit Because never before has in the history of mankind has there been a jet ski dedicated to fishing. Now, you can hit the water and catch a fish ...
Why It’s Lit Because fishing from the land is a little lame. Hit the water in a Classic Accessories Colorado Pontoon boat with pockets, storage capacity, ...