Why It’s Lit Because The Line is the most ambitious urban planning project on the planet and will be the first-ever mirrored vertical desert city in the ...
Why It's LitBecause Joe Blow's normal Joe Schmoe car can't f-bombing transform into a 13-foot robot!Believe It Or NotThree companies from Japan Asratec Corp, ...
Why It’s Lit Because teleportation isn’t real (yet), but this is the next best thing! Believe It Or Not The AirCar is an actual flying car that’s already ...
Why It’s Lit Because controlling a computer with your mind is superhuman! Believe It Or Not Neuralink has made it possible for quadriplegics to ...
https://youtu.be/abJwcOMgqc0?si=2yO7E4DfuAT8ZRXe Why It's Lit Because you can now choose to have a pain-free death in 30 seconds. Believe It Or Not Switzerland ...
Why It's Lit Because speeds at 1,200km/h (750mph) Hyperloop is the fastest way to travel in the world! Believe It Or Not Hyperloop will take you from LA ...
Why It's Lit Because Tang Yu is the world's first AI Chief Executive Officer. Believe It Or Not An "AI-powered virtual humanoid robot" named Tang ...
Why It's Lit Because this electric aircraft is the future of recreational flight! And really...Commuting in a car on a road is so 20th century. Right?!?! ...
Why It's Lit Because Amazon's Astro is like Alexa but on wheels and can follow you wherever you go while playing your favourite songs and movies, or while ...
Why It's Lit Because seriously...Bionic smart contact lenses make normal contact lenses look like the BlackBerry of contact lenses. Irrelevant, ...
Why It’s Lit Because the Stratosfera concept by Lazzarini Design Studio is an otherwordly 3-in-1 travel gift from the heavens. Believe It ...
Why It’s Lit Because FN Meka is the first augmented reality (AR) artist to land a record deal with a major record label. Capitol Records signed FN Meka on ...