Why It’s Lit Because The Line is the most ambitious urban planning project on the planet and will be the first-ever mirrored vertical desert city in the ...
Why It's LitBecause Quantum Stealth tech makes boats, spaceships, and buildings invisible!Believe It Or NotQuantum Stealth works without a power source and can ...
Why It’s Lit Because the Moley AI Robot Kitchen is a fully robotic master chef that can whip up gourmet dishes at the press of a button within 30 ...
https://youtu.be/abJwcOMgqc0?si=2yO7E4DfuAT8ZRXe Why It's Lit Because you can now choose to have a pain-free death in 30 seconds. Believe It Or Not Switzerland ...
Why It's Lit Because speeds at 1,200km/h (750mph) Hyperloop is the fastest way to travel in the world! Believe It Or Not Hyperloop will take you from LA ...
Why It’s Lit Because it literally lights up your face and blocks those perverted facial recognition surveillance cameras. Believe It Or Not The Wearable Face ...