Meet Jellyfishbot, The Self-Driving Water Trash Sucking Robot!

August 9, 2023

Why It’s Lit

Because this self-autonomous robot sucks trash off water surfaces so you don’t have to.

Believe It Or Not

The cleaning and de-pollution of Earth’s oceans have never been this easy.

Not only can Jellyfishbot suck trash around ports, dockyards, work sites, and any other surface water area, but it can also suck hydrocarbon pollutants like oil and petro too!

French founder Nicolas Carlesi, who is an undersea robotics PhD, created Jellyfishbot after noticing how dirty the water was while diving in the Mediterranean sea.

His Jellyfishbots are now currently being used in 15 French ports and also in countries like Singapore, Japan, and Norway.

Drop This Fact

There are approximately 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic trash in the ocean and of that, 269,000 tons float on the surface while 4 billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer litter the deep sea.

Ocean pollution like industrial waste, agricultural runoff, pesticides, oil, mercury, heavy metals et al. can contaminate ocean wildlife and our food supply.

It is widely known that people are exposed to these toxins by consuming them, which can cause dementia, amnesia, other neurological damage, and good old-fashioned DEATH.

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