EDINA’s WaterLight Generates Electrical Power Using Saltwater

Why It’s Lit

Because this portable gizmo can turn half a litre of salt water into functional light for 45 days! It can also use your urine as a power source, but, that’s only recommended in case of emergency unless you’re into that kind of thing…🤷🏾‍♂️

Believe It Or Not

EDINA’s WaterLight is made of 100% recyclable materials and can also charge devices through a USB port.

The process is called ionization. Electrical energy is created when salt water electrolytes react with magnesium inside.

WaterLight is currently powering up the indigenous town, La Guajira along the Colombia-Venezuela border and plans on moving into other remote areas without electricity across countries like Colombia, Sierra Leone, Syria, and other similar areas.

Drop This Fact

According to VisualCapitalist, nearly 1.8 people live without electricity access, that’s roughly 16% of the world’s population.

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